Sunday, May 18, 2008

Basic Outline




· More needed (5 websites, 5 articles)

  • Perseverance
  • Focus & concentration
  • Applying skills from games to the rest of life
  • Problem solving
  • Interactivity
  • Social
  • “exercise your shadow” – parts of personality that you don’t recognise / accept / suppressed / socially inappropriate
  • Venting anger through games rather than in a destructive situation
  • Blaming games for violence – same as blaming other stuff.
  • Adolescent aberrations – 13-22% of teens do all sorts of stupid stuff
  • Teaching tool – historically accurate games – Age of Empires


Introduction (100 words):

  • Statement of hypothesis: That video games are not worthless or gratuitous, and in fact, serve a great many purposes that go largely unnoticed.
  • Interactivity of games preferable to being a ‘viewer’.

Body ½ (200-400:

  • Teaches young gamers the ability to focus and concentrate on a task
  • Teaches them to persevere at the task at hand and be committed to the completion of a level/game/whatever
  • Basic and advanced problem solving and logical reasoning learnt via gaming at various levels. – Puzzle games, strategy games, warfare, etc

Body 3 (100-200):

  • Can be helpful in teaching more ‘tangible’ things such as history, geography, etc – especially historically accurate strategy / war type games.

Body 4:

  • Multiplayer aspects can improve social ability and the capacity to communicate not only with peer group, but other generations through the ‘protection’ offered by anonymity.

Body 5:

  • Rebuking argument that games incite violence
  • Saying that violent games increase violent behaviour is of the same level as that of other media forms
  • Video games are not the cause of adolescent violence and attitude, nor are any other types of media – puberty is.
  • It’s better to be venting anger in the safe environment of a video game than it is to beat someone up in the street (along these lines anyway)
    • Part about ‘exercising shadow’ – unleashing inappropriate aspects of your personality in a safe environment.


· Repeat theses, sum main points, say “games good, games fun, get over it” in sophisticated way.

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